Jocelyn Siegel is a very small scale farmer and gardener who has been practicing for 23 years-12 in the home I am currently in. I use permaculture, companion planting, crop rotation, season extension, etc, and have many skills-gardening, cheese making, soap making, butchering, food preservation, and so on.
The Year in Which I Grow Our Food Pt. 7
Ducks and geese are really low maintenance in comparison to other animals I have cared for. I really just provide them with a home, make sure they have feed when they need it, and leave them alone.
February 21, 2023
The Year in Which I Grow Our Food Pt. 6
In short, keeping animals teaches you how to respect life. You respect it when you raise it, and you respect it if you take it, and you certainly do not look at food in the same way.
January 3, 2023
The Year in Which I Grow Our Food Pt. 5
Hopefully I’ve convinced you to plant a fruit or nut tree or two in your yard. They can be tucked into a garden, only need pruning twice a year, and they give you pretty flowers, nice fall colors, and lots and lots of food.
October 31, 2022
Skills, Plain and Simple- Microclimates and Season Extenders
We are at the mercy of our climate, which is as it should be. Nevertheless, we have ways to push our seasons a bit, and most take very little effort and are pretty cheap and easy to do.
October 19, 2022
The Year in Which I Grow Our Food Pt. 4
Let’s talk about the big question of the year: “How much do I grow to feed my family for the year?”
October 11, 2022
The Year in Which I Grow Our Food Pt. 3
Vegetable gardens in this country are largely seen as a “summer thing”, and I believe this is because the crops people associate with vegetable gardens are mainly summer growing.
October 6, 2022