Jen Scott began her career as a humanitarian aid worker with the United Nations. She has spent much of the last decade living and working in the developing world with a focus on clean energy, the environment, and gender issues. Having grown up in a small farming and fishing village in rural Scotland, she is passionate about sustainability, community, and the ethical treatment of animals, and is a strong believer in empowering ecological farmers to play a central role in managing our food system. Her previous experience includes managing large scale loan and grant operations for the World Bank, running her own consulting, research and investment advisory firm focused on supporting women in emerging markets, and directing operations and strategy for Oceania’s first vertically integrated solar power utility. Jen has worked extensively with both investors and entrepreneurs throughout Africa and Asia, and has degrees from Oxford and Harvard Universities.
The Intersection of Gender Equality and Agroecology
The weekly #HUNGERFORJUSTICE Broadcast Series lays the building blocks for a post-COVID food system. Watch the recording of our first episode: The Intersection of Gender Equality and Agroecology with Seno Tsuhah and Wekoweu Akole Tsuhah, moderated by Jen Scott.
January 14, 2021