Jane Powell

Jane Powell is an independent writer, editor, educator and activist based in Wales.  She has worked in agricultural science publishing, as a science teacher, as project officer with Organic Centre Wales in 2000-2015 and as Education Coordinator with the charity Farming and Countryside Education since 2006.

She is active in community food projects in Aberystwyth, and with Paramaethu Cymru, the Welsh arm of the Permaculture Association. Recently she has been helping lead an action research project called Food Values, the aim of which is to investigate how our food system is shaped by the values that we hold, and how an approach based on values can help find common ground between opposing factions. As part of this, she is helping to crowd-source a Food Manifesto for Wales.

Her work is informed by Non-Violent Communication, mindfulness, sociocracy and other tools for creating spaces in which people can be heard and make their best contribution, and she is a fluent Welsh speaker. She writes at www.foodsociety.wales.

local food

The Vital Role Local Authorities could have in Shaping Food Systems

How could local authorities raise their game and start to shift the balance towards more local food resilience? There are a few pointers towards a more radical approach. One is the way that many have declared climate emergencies and begun to work with citizen groups to find new ways forward.

May 6, 2020

Garron Pill

Local Cooperation Offers a Solution for Nitrate Pollution in Pembrokeshire

Out in the field, Jon supports a farmer-led approach. “The fields here are full of worms and the soil is healthy and aerobic. Mike’s really showing what can be done, and the government should go with that. Here on the farm, this is where the action is, and this is where the decisions should be made.”

April 5, 2019

Relocalising the Food Chain: Why it Matters and How to Do it

One of the greatest benefits of local food is that it enables the public to form a new relationship with the people who grow and process their food. We can meet the producers and ask questions. What chemicals are they using? Do their animals look well cared for? Are they a good employer? Do they contribute to their community?

May 25, 2018


The Future of Farm Subsidies: What Really Matters to Farmers?

Behind all that lay a sense that in farming, we face one of the mysteries of life: how food is conjured from the soil, in an alliance with the natural world – with all its challenges of weather, pests and diseases – to support the human race in its most basic need. Farmers are at a crucial intersection between human demand and the integrity of the biosphere on which we are absolutely dependent.

January 13, 2017