Peak phosphorus: Quoted reserves vs. production history
A hypothesis is presented whereby phosphorus is considered in two broad forms: “easy” which is able to be mined quickly, but already peaked in 1990, and “hard” which has large remaining reserves and is yet to peak, but cannot be mined as quickly. … Ultimately we must develop a recyclable phosphorus supply if humans are to continue living on this planet.
August 26, 2008
Al Bartlett’s resources depletion protocol for a sustainable Australia
Professor Bartlett’s analysis of Australian energy futures should be truly shocking to governments and economists, and in fact anyone who likes growth. It demonstrates that there is no way to grow infinitely into the future.
April 25, 2007
Young professionals and peak oil
Young Professionals are vulnerable to the shocks that Peak Oil will bring to our society, but we are also well equipped to tackle energy descent, perhaps more realistically than others who simplistically advocate alternative fuels and vague technological fixes.
February 1, 2007
Peak oil on the agenda: Notes from the Australian Institute of Energy annual forum
ASPO-Australia member James Ward reports that peak oil is reaching acceptance amongst many of Australia’s business and government elites.
November 13, 2006