Freya Yost, vice president of A Growing Culture (AGC), is a writer and researcher interested in knowledge systems, open access, grassroots digital media, social justice, the arts, and much more. Prior to working with AGC, she has worked at the United Nations, New York Public Library, and Civitella Ranieri Foundation. She holds an M.S. in Information Science from Pratt Institute (New York City). Freya is based in Central Italy.
Respecting Farmers and Their Rightful Place in Our Food System
A Growing Culture believes “that farmers should be at the forefront of agriculture,” aiming to reshape the food and agriculture system starting with farmers. Through projects for farmer-to-farmer exchange, collective learning, and farmer-led research, A Growing Culture wants to advance innovation and farmer autonomy to create a more just and sustainable food system, and one inclusive of smallholder farmers.
June 27, 2017
The Open Access Ethos in Agroecology
How does resource sharing affect biodiversity? How does knowledge exchange drive community resilience? How is information access—delivered via technologies—an equalizer among the underrepresented, marginalized, and oppressed? How does our ability to feed a growing planet depend on a culture of openness?
April 19, 2017