Doria Robinson is the Executive Director of Urban Tilth, based in Richmond, CA. Urban Titlh works to build a more sustainable, healthy, and just food system, by hiring and training residents to work with schools, community-based organizations, government agencies, businesses, and individuals to develop the capacity to produce 5% of food supply locally.
Doria Robinson on How Urban Agriculture can Heal a Community’s Imagination
The goal is to actually draw out some kind of a map. What are the physical infrastructural needs? How do things work together? How do we feed millions of people as opposed to – even if we’re starting with small amounts of people in communities at a time – how does that add up to the millions that are out there that need to be fed?
November 28, 2018
Living Within a Limit is OK: Talking Resilience with Doria Robinson
We promote systems thinking, and resiliency, which is like self-sufficiency—not "I’m an island," but more, "I’m accountable." And because I’m accountable, I can work collectively.
June 24, 2015