Della Duncan is a renegade economist who hosts opportunities for personal and systemic transition to a more equitable, sustainable, and enlivened world. She is a Right Livelihood coach, the host of the Upstream Podcast about alternative economics, a Social and Economic Equity Atlantic Fellow at the London School of Economics International Inequalities Institute, a lecturer on the MA Economics for Transition Program at Schumacher College, a partner of the Eurasia Learning Institute, a Work that Reconnects facilitator, and an alternative economics consultant.
How to implement Doughnut Economics in your community
You do not need to be an economist to change the goal of your economy to well-being for people and the planet. Here’s how you can bring Doughnut economics to your community.
May 25, 2021
Helena Norberg-Hodge — Is Localization a Solution to the Crisis of Capitalism? (In Conversation)
It’s often said that the economic system is rigged. The truth, however, is that the system is working exactly as it was designed to. Those in power, whether they hold public office or whether they sit in the boardroom of a multi-billion dollar international corporation, have taken great lengths to set up a system of rules that benefit them and maintain the status quo.
December 18, 2019
Cultivating Right Livelihood
Recognizing that the pursuit of right livelihood is a lifetime journey with no final destination, we can begin by taking the time to look deeply into our own life, asking: where does my greatest hunger meet the world’s deepest need?
May 10, 2019