Lean Logic: A Dictionary for the Future
During the early decades of the century, the market will lose its magic.
November 14, 2016
TEQs Tradable energy quotas: A policy framework for peak oil and climate change
A report launched today by the Lean Economy Connection, commissioned by the All Party Parliamentary Group on Peak Oil, calls for a nationwide system for ensuring fair and equal access to fuel as energy scarcities develop. The report, entitled Tradable Energy Quotas, sets out a detailed proposal for a scheme which would ensure fair and equal entitlements to fuel and energy under conditions of scarcity, while also guaranteeing that the government meets its commitment to an 80% reduction in carbon emissions by 2050.
January 18, 2011
The Lean Economy: a vision of civility for a world in trouble
When it [Peak Oil] does hit, and when oil famine is joined with the other problems on the way, we will need to respond to it as to an avalanche. There is no point in trying to stop it; instead: survive; think; start again on safer ground and on totally different principles.
March 9, 2005
After Oil
The weightless economy still has dirty old oil pumping through its veins, as the recent fuel blockades demonstrated, says David Fleming. In the next ten years, the growing demand for oil will permanently overtake a shrinking supply — playing havoc with price. Why are western governments doing nothing to prepare?
November 14, 2000