David Blittersdorf is the founder and CEO of AllEarth Renewables. He is a board member for the Post Carbon Institute, the Association for the Study of Peak Oil and Gas—USA and Vermont Businesses for Social Responsibility, and is a current board member, founding member and past chair of Renewable Energy Vermont. David is also on the board of advisors for the Union of Concerned Scientists.
Solar and Wind in Vermont with David Blittersdorf of All Earth Renewables
David Blittersdorf’s passion for renewable energy and earth-friendly technology started early. He built his first wind turbine at age 14 to light up the small shack where he boiled sap into maple syrup.
January 8, 2018
The Peak Oil Dilemma
Peak oil, as a theory, has been downplayed, because models predicted that we’d hit peak oil production between 2000 and 2010, and we didn’t–instead, we plateaued.
May 12, 2016