Dave Mountjoy

Dave was born in rural west Worcestershire in the UK and spent most of his childhood on his mum’s family farm.

After leaving school, he developed a passion for travel and his first adventure took him to Israel and a several month stay on a Kibbutz.

A life-changing expedition in Uganda followed, where he worked as a volunteer on a biodiversity project, staying out in the wilderness for months at a time.

He returned to Uganda twice more  – fascinated by the raw nature of the experiences offered by landscapes and tribal peoples he found staggeringly beautiful and intense in equal measure.

After finishing university, the continuation of his travels became an exploration of the British Isles. Working as a volunteer for the RSPB, his love and gratitude for the sheer majesty of the natural world was deepened by stays on nature reserves in England, Scotland and Wales.

It was in Scotland in particular that this love for the wild and wilderness really began to translate into a serious search for the self, for the pure source from which such staggering scenery was borne.

Qualifying as a Primary School Teacher did nothing to quench the fires of this quest and in fact, only served to cement the deepening acknowledgement of the Heart, inspired as he was daily by the children he had the privilege to share a classroom with.

He voluntarily left the world of teaching after visiting the Findhorn Foundation in northern Scotland. A meeting with the resident Shaman ignited such a thirst for self-discovery that all other concerns simply melted away.

He began to know what it meant to simply be, free from thought and mental activity. He also met fear head-on and with it the understanding that death applies only to the body.

It was during his last shamanic retreat at Findhorn that he met Diana and they now live with their two boys, Gabi and Elie on their farm in the foothills of the French Pyrenees.


Being with Cows: Excerpt

It was the cows themselves who had impressed on me so deeply this alignment with rhythms borne not of the mind but some deeper undercurrent, a trust that the quietness brings all into its own order.

September 4, 2024