Manuel Casal Lodeiro

Public speaker and writer on Peak Oil and other threats to industrial civilization. Author of ‘La izquierda ante el colapso de la civilización industrial’, ‘We, the detritivores’ and coordinator of ‘Guía para o descenso enerxético’. Founder and coordinator of ’15/15\15 magazine’.

building resilience

CDRCs: A proposal concerning work, resilience, and the repopulation of the countryside

The proposed model, Community Development and Resilience Cooperatives (CDRCs[1]), relies on three fundamental pillars to articulate its strategy: direct democracy, cooperativism, and agroecology.

December 10, 2024

Spanish degrowth proponents

One of Spain’s governing parties adopts degrowth

That we have to live within the limits of the planet was already clear; now we are going a step further and proposing that degrowth is a reality and that together we have to design a political roadmap so that this degrowth does not fall, as always, on the most vulnerable.

June 8, 2022

resilience chart

Resilience, Re-agrarization and Post-Growth in the post-COVID Galicia

The good news is that the path to both improving our resilience and making a viable Energy Transition to a low-carbon economy, while minimizing the chances of catastrophic climate change, is the same: planning a controlled and socially fair reduction of the material sphere of the economy.

February 16, 2021


The Degrowth platform of the CUP for Catalonia

The CUP programme advocates an Ecosocial Transition based on a degrowth of the economy in terms of  energy and materials.

February 10, 2021

20 Reasons to Prefer Degrowth to the Green New Deal (as a political option to address the collapse of civilization)

Degrowth carries within its own name an unmistakable message about its content (stop growing) that gets to the heart of our civilizational problem: the obsession with perpetual growth.

December 16, 2020

Peak oil resolution passed in Galicia

I’m happy to communicate that yesterday, 2009/08/27, the city council of the Borough of Teo, in Galicia (NW Spain), passed a resolution acknowledging peak oil. As far as we know it’s the second Spanish local authority in doing so after La Palma in Canary Islands in 2007.

August 31, 2009

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