Dr. Christine Hatch is Research-Extension Liaison for the Center for Agriculture, Food and the Environment, and Extension Associate Professor of Water Resources and Climate Change in the Department of Geosciences at University of Massachusetts Amherst. Dr. Hatch is an Associate Editor for Water Resources Research, and President of the UMass Chapter of Phi Kappa Phi. In her research, she uses temperature to track the movement of water in hydrogeologic systems with diverse tools including piezometers, loggers, thermal imagery, distributed temperature sensing and drones (UAV’s). She often integrates her research on wetlands, restoration, rivers, flooding and climate with her outreach activities and public fora. In engagement, Dr. Hatch is Faculty Liaison for the EUREKA! Program, Massachusetts liaison to the Northeast USDA Climate Hub, and works on community and ecosystem resilience to extreme river flooding events.
Beavers offer lessons about managing water in a changing climate, whether the challenge is drought or floods
I believe we can learn from beavers’ water management skills, coexist with them in our landscapes and incorporate their natural engineering in response to weather and precipitation patterns disrupted by climate change.
January 21, 2022