The Iran oil bourse – a new direction?
The “Iran Oil Bourse” project, beloved of Internet conspiracy theorists, has taken on something of a mythical character, not unlike the Loch Ness Monster, with persistent sightings but an absence of actual manifestation. Hopefully this article will both dispel the myths, and set the scene for what is potentially an extremely important development, particularly for the Islamic world.
December 10, 2006
Iran – Perception and Reality
It is said that there is the reason they give; and then there is the real reason. Nowhere is this more true, perhaps, than Iran.
February 13, 2006
Reversing the Polarity – Bretton Woods revisited?
… The requirement is therefore for an Energy “Clearing Union” comprising all market participant constituencies whether producers, consumers or intermediaries, constituted as an “International Energy Trade Association” (“IETA”) and served by a consortium of providers of services such as communications, technology, risk management and so on.
May 17, 2005