Charity May

Charity May is the Principal and Founder of Sacred Futures and Co-Author of Assets in Common. Her work as a regenerative systems designer, practitioner and advisor reimagines the governance, design and development of capital vehicles, community-led projects and businesses committed to cultivating renewal and reciprocity between human and more-than-human worlds. Charity is certified in permaculture design and carries experiences which spans across finance, impact investing, real estate, ecology, organizational design and the arts. Her work at Sacred Futures serves capital providers, founders, public and private enterprises working closely with the Earth. More of her writings can be found at

people on bikes

Assets in Common: Opportunities for action

In previous articles, we’ve learned about the enterprises pioneering new models for transforming the economy. We all want to see the world heading in a good direction.

July 17, 2024


Assets in Common: Leaders in collaborative business and shared ownership

From rural towns to bustling cities, pioneering enterprises are challenging conventional notions of ownership, governance, and economic exchange. These trailblazers are reimagining fundamental structures and forging pathways to shared prosperity.

July 3, 2024

Main Street

Will Anytown, USA become a ghost town?

Perhaps if we can rewrite the source code at the core of business, we might have a chance at turning the tide on the massive crises facing us today.

June 12, 2024


A Small Town’s Comeback: How The Industrial Commons Leveraged Local Assets for Rural Economic Development

The story of The Industrial Commons offers a powerful blueprint for rural communities seeking to reshape their regional economies in a way that honors local culture, relationships, skills, and knowledge.

June 5, 2024