Asad Rehman

Asad Rehman joined the anti-poverty charity War on Want as its Executive Director in May 2017.

Asad, who has been Head of International Climate at Friends of the Earth since 2009, has over 25 years’ experience in the non-governmental and charity sector. Asad has served on the boards of Amnesty International UK, Friends of the Earth International, Global Justice Now and Newham Monitoring Project.

Amazon wildfires

The Fight of Our Lives

And that’s the amazing thing about climate change. Because whilst it’s the greatest injustice in that those least responsible are the ones most impacted. Solutions to climate change that are fair are also the exact solutions needed to tackle economic inequality.

November 25, 2019


The Climate Strikes are About so Much More than Green Colonialism

It will require imagination and political will, it means listening to and being guided by those on the frontlines of extractive projects and climate impacts. Solutions to these crises won’t come in the shape of a battery – they come in the shape of justice, reparations and equity.

September 24, 2019

COP participants

The UN Climate Talks are Coming to Britain. The Climate Justice Movement will be Ready

But by playing host to COP26, the movement has a chance to push for the country to redefine its relationship to the rest of the world in the post-Brexit era. Those who refuse to let imperial nostalgia become the accepted goal for the UK can and should put forward an alternative vision of international solidarity and cooperation…

July 15, 2019

neoliberal charity

A World for the Many, not the Few

After decades in which the only thing that’s changed has been the language, The World for the Many, Not the Few represents a change in the landscape. This new policy presents a radically different vision for how the UK should approach international development.

June 25, 2018