Towards oil resilience
Queensland has a choice. We can either plan for an oil restricted world or we can become victims of the global market. With an oil-resilience strategy, Queensland has the opportunity to set its own future. We must get ahead of the game by designing how we live and move around in an oil-constrained world. (Foreward to an online paper from Australia. McNamara is the Queensland Minister for Suatainability, Climate Change and Innovation.)
September 16, 2008
McNamara on peak oil and Australia
Andrew McNamara, a member of the Queensland Parliament revisits the peak oil debate one year after his groundbreaking speech on the topic in Australia.
April 4, 2006
Australian politician goes on record about peak oil and gas
The first mainstream politican to take a stand on peak oil is in the Queensland Parliament (Australia). Bravo, Andrew McNamara!
March 8, 2005