Deep economy: Localism, innovation and knowing what’s what
The steps Bill [McKibben proposes] — local food and local energy — are generally good ones, but they alone are not going to get us anywhere close to one planet living. For that, we need truly radical change, delivered through widespread innovation and systemic redesign, and going far beyond the sorts of impacts we can create though individual consumer actions.
March 25, 2007
Nuclear Energy: Not a Climate Change Solution?
An article about David Fleming’s Why Nuclear Power Cannot Be a Major Energy Source.
June 15, 2006
Climate change: the debate is over
It is precisely because the climate crisis is so profound that we need to encourage the American debate on the subject to move on, finally and for good, and start to focusing on how to build a bright green future as quickly as possible…
Over the last few months, we here at Worldchanging and our allies at related sites across the blogosphere have seen a noticable uptick in comments and trackbacks from climate denialists.
May 22, 2006