Elizabeth Sawin is Founder and Director of the Multisolving Institute and an expert on solutions that address climate change while also improving health, well-being, equity, and economic vitality. She developed the idea of ‘multisolving’ to help people see and create conditions for such win-win-win solutions.
Excerpt: Multisolving: Creating Systems Change in a Fractured World by Elizabeth Sawin
We defined multisolving as using one investment of time, money, or energy to address multiple problems. Once you start looking, examples of multisolving are easy to find.
December 12, 2024
Five “No-Regrets” Actions for Tumultuous Times
Uncertain times are uniquely suited to an approach I call “multisolving” – acting in service of multiple goals with a single action.
November 5, 2024
Why Won’t Anyone Listen? Elizabeth Sawin on How to Talk about the Polycrisis
In this live, online event, Dr. Elizabeth Sawin (Multisolving Institute) shares how she learned to stop bumming people out about climate change and communicate effectively.
August 27, 2024
Disaster Recovery Efforts Can Serve More than One Goal
A “multisolving” recovery would get a region up and running quickly while also protecting climate and biodiversity, increasing community well-being and preparing for future shocks.
July 21, 2023
Covid-19 sucks but it could teach us how to avoid the worst consequences of climate change
Four things we can learn from the response to COVID-19 that are critical for climate change resilience.
April 2, 2020
Steps to Re-invigorate the Economy Must Free us from Polluting Fossil Fuels
The problem isn’t humans, it’s the type of fossil-fuel dependent infrastructure that many societies have created. If we could shift that infrastructure, we could have clear skies and clean water more of the time, in more places—without shuttered businesses and schools.
April 1, 2020