Simon Cottle

Simon Cottle is Professor Emeritus at the School of Journalism, Media and Culture at Cardiff University. He is the author and editor of numerous books and articles/chapters, many on journalism, conflict and global crisis reporting. He is also General Editor of the Global Crises and the Media series for Peter Lang and is currently writing Reporting Civilizational Collapse: A Wake-Up Call (Routledge, forthcoming). His edited collection, Communicating a World-in-Crisis (New York: Peter Lang) will be published later this year. Simon now writes exclusively on communication, ecology and the planetary emergency and offers lectures on this around the world. Email: [email protected]

Wye Valley Sculpture Garden

Creative Resilience in a World-in-Crisis: It’s more than Doomerism!  Part 2. 

If nothing else, I hope these few indulgent personal reflections on communicative resilience and creative resilience will have encouraged you to find and/or express your own voice in this world-in-crisis, and in whatever way(s) you feel most compelled and/or comfortable to do so.

July 9, 2024

Kintsugi pot

Communicative Resilience in a World-in-Crisis: It Gets Personal!   Part 1. 

This article, the first of two, addresses from a personal perspective some of the difficulties and dilemmas that can be encountered when trying to communicate something of today’s planetary emergency, as well as possible sources of solace and yes, even hope, when doing so.

July 5, 2024


Reporting a World-in-Crisis: The Axial Crisis of Perception and Beyond.  Part 2

For most of the time, voices seeking to raise the alarm and respond to immanent processes of unfolding world collapse, are unheard in the mainstream news media. 

October 18, 2023


Living in a World-in-Crisis: Thinking Beyond Catastrophism. Part 1

Resilience here, then, is not the naïve faith in riding the storm and putting the world back together more or less as it was, issue by issue, but recognising the necessity to fundamentally reorganise and reorient human society in ways that can allow human flourishing and ecological sustainability in symbiotic and mutually supportive relations of reciprocity and regeneration – and in a multiplicity of ways.

October 16, 2023