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How Republics Succeed, Falter, and Fail

The United States today faces inherent challenges that have weakened the republic, making lessons from the Roman Republic even more necessary to avoid greater political instability.

States have a shelf life of about 200 years

Thinking about civilisations as being time-limited immediately leads you to a particular perspective about them, which is in effect, that as civilisations age they are more likely to show signs of decline, in the same way that we can make the same kinds of assumptions about people.

The Dumb and Dumber Economy

If critical masses of people could recognise this fully, and join forces to finally say ‘enough!’ to this misleading belief about ‘making it’, perhaps there would be a real chance that something better could arise in its place.

The View from Washington (3)

It’s chaotic—perhaps surreal is a better word—here in Washington. In this third essay on Trump 2.0 and climate politics, I’ll be touching on the continuing transition activities of the Trump administration, both parties in Congress, and efforts by the Biden administration to Trump-proof his climate legacy.

Wild Communities, Tamed Publics

At present, we can only try to shape the emergence of resilient livelihood communities as best we can and speak up for agrarianism and against the industrial food system and its processes of corporate enclosure.

Stories Retold in Water and Tallow

I want to honor our shared stories by continuing to push the boundaries of traditional materials and contemporary ideas. I want to uplift the generations surrounding me to live in their medicine, to live out their dreams, and to live how our ancestors dreamed for us.

Resisting Empire & Injustice Through Fiction

We can read the news, digest the facts, but change requires more than information. It demands emotional connection, imagination, a vision for something different, and a willingness to dismantle the systems that uphold these injustices.

Environmental-Political Collapse Accelerates

In this article, we’ll see why cascading disruptions of environmental and political systems are entangled and mutually reinforcing. We’ll also try to identify the next stages of global collapse, and explore the options for individuals and communities seeking to survive and to prevent as much harm and suffering as possible.