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About EnergyBulletin.net

Mission Statement

EnergyBulletin.net is a clearinghouse for information regarding the peak in global energy supply. We publish news, research and analysis concerning:

  • energy production statistics, models, projections and analysis
  • articles which provide insight into the implications of peak oil across broad areas including geopolitics, climate change, ecology, population, finance, urban design, health, and even religious and gender issues.

Fiction: Sixty Days, Next Year

Fiction: You’ll have to excuse me, but I don’t usually keep a diary. These events began before I understood what was happening, and where it was all headed. It was only later, after it was all going on, that I thought that maybe I should be keeping some sort of record–as if no one else was. We live in The Information Age, or did. Now it’s just The Dim Ages. Welcome to my world.

The Global Record (excerpt)

The gap between the promise of petroleum wealth and the perversity of its performance is enormous. Study after study demonstrates that, as a group, countries dependent on oil as their leading export have performed worse than other developing countries on a variety of economic indicators.

Grains soar as supplies fall, oil firm

CHICAGO – Grain prices soared on Monday after the U.S. Agriculture Department jolted the world market by shrinking its estimates of last year’s U.S. crops and its projections for 2004 world grain stockpiles.

In the Capital of the Car, Nature Stakes a Claim

DETROIT- PAUL WEERTZ lives less than 10 minutes from downtown, but the view from his window is anything but urban. On a warm day this fall, the air was ripe with the smell of fresh-cut hay and manure. In the alley behind his house, bales of hay teetered and listed where garbage cans once stood. Chickens scratched in the yard, near a garage that had been turned into a barn. Mr. Weertz drives a Ford — not a sleek sedan but a rebuilt 1960 tractor.