Diana Lilia Trevilla Espinal (Mexico): Feminist agroecologist from the periphery and migrant in South-Eastern Mexico. She holds a doctorate in ecology and sustainable development from El Colegio de la Frontera Sur, México. She is an activist, a feminist, a creator and a trainer. She is co-founder of Agroecologists in Movement and collaborates with the Mexican Care Network and the Alliance of Women in Agroecology. Her areas of interest are: feminist economics, care, defense of territory, agroecology and collective health. She is currently a researcher and a consultant. She has published several articles such as “Feminist agroecology: analyzing powerrelationships in food systems” (2021), “Agroecología y cuidados: reflexiones desde los feminismos de Abya Yala” (2020), “Sentipensar el cuidado ante la crisis socioambiental” (2019) and co-authored with other women: “Ethics ofcare in agroecology” (2020), “Ciencia y feminismo desde el cuerpo-territorio en los estudios socioambientales” (2020) and “Cuidado y sostenibilidad de la vida. Diálogos entre la agroecología y la ecología política feministas” (2020). She enjoys walking in the woods, walking on the sand on the seashore and lives the rebellion with joy.
What does feminism have to do with the food you eat?
On International Women’s day, March 8, 2022, we launched an animation called ‘For feminist agroecologies’ that invites you to ask yourself questions about your food, and about what food system you want to contribute to.
March 30, 2022