Justine Anderson

Justine Anderson is an environmental and outdoor writer, and correspondent for The Esperanza Project and Native Sun News Today based in central Minnesota. She can be reached at [email protected].

Water Protectors March

As temps rise, so do water protector arrests

Spring is bringing the heat to opponents of the Enbridge Line 3 tar-sands oil pipeline, as levels of arrests and citations for demonstrations against the private Canadian infrastructure project rise faster than at any time since construction began on it in December.

April 1, 2021

Navajo Nation administering vaccines

Navajo Nation: From No. 1 in infections to No. 1 in vaccinations

Even though Agnes Attakai is a longtime Indian health administrator, she had no way of knowing that her Diné family members would become a textbook illustration of Native America’s disadvantages in facing the Covid-19 pandemic.

March 2, 2021


Native youth center, rebounding from double whammy

These practices of relational and cultural connections, while missed, may also be the very reasons MIGIZI can play a unique role in mitigating some of the negative impacts of the coronavirus in the community.

December 10, 2020