Alberto Alonso-Fradejas (PhD in Development Studies/Political Ecology, ISS) is a postdoctoral researcher and lecturer at the Human Geography and Planning Department, Faculty of Geosciences, Utrecht University. He is an associate researcher at TNI in Amsterdam, a fellow of the Guatemalan Institute of Agrarian and Rural Studies (IDEAR), and Reviews Section co-editor for the Journal of Peasant Studies (JPS). Since the year 2000, Alberto has been working on the political ecology and politics of sustainable development from a critical, intersectional and translocal perspective in India, Latin America, Myanmar and Europe. During 2006-2018, he has worked on the relationship between resources, climate, conflict and population dynamics amid global climate, energy, environmental, economic and food crises. Currently, Alberto’s research focuses on the labor and livelihood questions in sustainable development and climate stewardship, amid rising authoritarian populisms. His publications can be accessed in ResearchGate and Google Scholar.
‘Junk Agroecology’
The promotion of ‘junk agroecology’ initiatives opens up the possibility of greater greenwashing of socially and environmentally destructive forms of production, and more deeply entrenches the unjust dynamics which have led to the current crises.
November 12, 2020