Michael Major

Michael Major is a science communicator at the Crop Trust, an independent, non-profit organization based in Bonn, Germany. Michael has 35 years of experience as an agricultural communicator and has worked and lived in five continents.


The Last Crop Before the Desert

“I’ve never seen barley looking this great before!” El Kbir Safraoui couldn’t hold back his excitement about the crop growing in his fields. And he had seen a lot of barley in his lifetime of farming in central Morocco.

March 9, 2020

Moroccan farmer

Selection by Stone

With one stone, Abdellah Bounagua ensured his voice was heard. He was able to guide breeders like Filippo in their development of the varieties that will allow him, and other farmers like him, to prosper while the climate changes. That’s a big splash for such a small stone.

August 27, 2019