Stefaan G. Verhulst is Co-Founder and Chief Research and Development Officer of the Governance Laboratory @New York University (GovLab), an action research centre dedicated to improving governance through advances in technology. He is senior advisor to the Markle Foundation in New York, where he was Chief of Research. Previously he was Director of the Programme in Comparative Media Law and Policy at Oxford University (UK) from 1996. He has published widely in the areas of communications law and policy.
From #Resistance to #Reimagining Governance: 6 Shifts that can Improve the Way we Solve Public Problems
What matters is the effort to move beyond mere resistance and onto a more substantive engagement with rebuilding – to ask what comes next, and to harness the current disenchantment and loss of faith in a more productive manner. It is said that moments of crisis are also moments of opportunity. There is little doubt that we face a crisis of governance at the moment; this is also a chance to design a new and improved government.
December 19, 2017