Paul Hoggett

Paul Hoggett is a psychotherapist and was co-founder and first Chair of the Climate Psychology Alliance. He is Emeritus Professor of Social Policy at UWE, Bristol. His new book Paradise Lost? The Climate Crisis and the Human Condition has just been published by the Simplicity Institute.


Facing difficult truths

Climate psychology seeks to place citizens of the West under critical scrutiny. It tries to throw light upon our complicity and inaction in the face of the climate crisis and promote greater ethical and political engagement with the issue. It sees the modern Western self as the product of three great separations or alienations – from external nature, from our own physical nature as mortal beings, and from other selves.

January 9, 2024

Sustainable Activism: Managing Hope and Despair in Social Movements

In our own experience of movements for change from the 1970s onwards we’ve been struck by the way in which a failure to contain despair can lead to unrealistic hopes, built on a denial of and a flight from some difficult truths.

December 14, 2016