Can Economics Guide the Energy Transition?

August 1, 2016

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Is conventional, free-market economic theory really up to the task of energy transition and combating climate change? Can we let the so-called invisible hand of the market guide us through the troubled waters ahead, or will we need firm policy direction and deliberate, top-down planning to secure the best outcomes? How useful can free markets be, in transitioning us away from coal, and meeting our climate targets and securing enough carbon-free power to run our societies? Will they be any help at all in supporting technologies like carbon capture and sequestration, or geoengineering? Can negative discount rates help us pay for climate change mitigation projects? And what does the future hold for oil? We discuss all of these questions and more with veteran energy editor Ed Crooks of the Financial Times.

Geek rating: 6

Guest: Ed Crooks is the US industry and energy editor at the Financial Times

On Twitter: @Ed_Crooks

On the Web: Ed Crooks articles at FT

Recording date: June 27, 2016

Air date: July 27, 2016


The Ed Crooks – Chris Nelder oil bet of August 2013

Chris Nelder: “Economic Theory and the Real Great Contraction” (Oct 12, 2011)

Chris Nelder:Why carbon capture and storage will never pay off” (Mar 6, 2013)

Chris Nelder: “Rethinking Climate Policy: Incentivize, Don’t Penalize” (Jul 13, 2009)

Chris Nelder: “Stranded asset risks are larger than anyone thinks” (Jun 13, 2014)

Naomi Jagoda, The Hill: “Norquist: Backing carbon tax may cost Dems the presidency” (Jul 26, 2016)

David Giambusso, Politico: “Cuomo’s announcement of offshore wind farm takes many by surprise” (Jul 14, 2016)

4COffshore: “LIPA defers decision on Deepwater One” (Jul 20, 2016)

Joshua Hill, ReNew Economy: “Dong Energy to build world’s lowest cost offshore wind farm” (Jul 7, 2016)

Sierra Club: “Great River Energy’s Stanton Station Plant To Retire After 50 Years Of Burning Coal” (Jul 15, 2016)

Gavid Bade, Utility Dive: “With CPP on ice, utilities seek organized market reforms to save baseload plants” (Jun 14, 2016)

Chris Nelder

Chris is an energy analyst, journalist, and investor, who consults and lectures on energy investing and policy. During a decade of studying energy, he has written two books on investing and energy Profit from the Peak and Investing in Renewable Energy, as well as over 900 blog posts and articles.

Tags: economics, energy transition