Energy Return on Investment with Dave Murphy

December 3, 2015

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Dave Murphy, Assistant Professor, St. Lawrence University

On Twitter: @djmurphy04
On the web:


Murphy: The implications of the declining energy return on investment of oil production (Dec 2013)
Murphy: Archive of EROI publications
Nelder: What EROI tells us about ROI (Sep 2012)
Nelder: Has vehicle efficiency really curbed U.S. oil demand? (Feb 2012)
Jenny Hsu (WSJ): Hopes for ‘Golden Age of Gas’ Evaporate (Nov 2015)


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Chris Nelder

Chris is an energy analyst, journalist, and investor, who consults and lectures on energy investing and policy. During a decade of studying energy, he has written two books on investing and energy Profit from the Peak and Investing in Renewable Energy, as well as over 900 blog posts and articles.

Tags: EROI