Dennis Eversberg is head of the BMBF-funded junior research group ‘Mentalitäten im Fluss. Vorstellungswelten in modernen bio-kreislaufbasierten Gesellschaften’ [‘Mentalities in Flux. Social imaginaries in modern circular bio-based societies’] (flumen) at the Institute of Sociology, Friedrich Schiller University, Jena, Germany. Dennis does research in Political Sociology, the study of social-ecological movements, environmental politics, mentalities and social structure. He currently works on the mental preconditions and consequences of post-fossil transformations, the subjective limits to capitalist growth regimes, the degrowth movement and authoritarian nationalism.
Degrowth and Masculinities: Towards a gendered understanding of degrowth subjectivities
In the dominant cultural imaginary of growth societies, this figure of the growth subject is powerfully gendered: it is coded as masculine.
September 19, 2023
Critical Self-Reflection as a Path to Anti-Capitalism: The Degrowth-Movement
Although growth-critique is currently in vogue and degrowth is mentioned favorably even by the pope in his most recent encyclical, there is as yet almost no scientific research on degrowth as a social movement.
February 24, 2016
Only Degrowth can be a Credible Answer to Europe’s Current Refugee Situation
Tens of thousands are currently coming to Europe, hoping for a better future.
September 24, 2015