Nermeen Shaikh is a broadcast news producer and weekly co-host at Democracy Now! Previously, she worked in research at non-governmental organizations in London, Islamabad, and Tehran. She’s crossed the globe conducting interviews with academics, activists, and artists and is the author of The Present as History: Critical Perspectives on Global Power, a book tackling themes of globalization, imperialism, and routes to a fairer future. Shaikh earned her M.Phil. from Cambridge University.
How Wealth Inequality Fuels the Climate Emergency: George Monbiot & Scientist Kevin Anderson on COP26
Let’s just stop producing this great tidal wave of consumer goods. And let’s find other ways of measuring quality of life…
November 12, 2021
George Monbiot on U.K. Climate Emergency & the Need for Rebellion to Prevent Ecological Apocalypse
On Wednesday, the House of Commons became the first parliament in the world to declare a climate emergency. The resolution came on the heels of the recent Extinction Rebellion mass uprising that shut down Central London last month in a series of direct actions.
May 3, 2019
How Fascism Works: The Politics of Us and Them
In his new book “How Fascism Works: The Politics of Us and Them,” Yale professor Jason Stanley warns about the dangers of normalizing fascist politics, writing, “What normalization does is transform the morally extraordinary into the ordinary. It makes us able to tolerate what was once intolerable by making it seem as if this is the way things have always been.”
October 23, 2018
Islamic Leaders Take on Climate Change, Criticizing “Relentless Pursuit of Economic Growth”
A group of leading Islamic scholars have issued a declaration calling on the world’s 1.6 billion Muslims to do their part to eliminate dangerous greenhouse gas emissions and turn toward renewable energy sources.
August 23, 2015