Off the back of href=”” target=”_blank”>my recent post on Transition Money, this excellent new short film, href=”” title=”97 Percent Owned” target=”_blank”>97% Owned, explains the privatised, debt-based money system we currently use. The one that allows UK banks to simply create around £200,000,000,000 (£200bn) a year and use it as they see fit – without any oversight – to shape the economy and control politics, causing crises, creating inflation and pushing house prices out of reach.
Most of us work for money, but these people are magicking it up and then using it to pay others to do whatever they please. How is this different from legalised slavery?
And we are the slaves. href=”” title=”Sacred Economics” target=”_blank”>There are alternatives, and yet we continue accepting this datetime=”2012-05-19T22:36:20+00:00″>system scam, largely because we have been tricked to believe that economics is complicated and *yawn* href=”” title=”Transition Money” target=”_blank”>boring! And yes, I have to admit, what could be more boring than being able to create money from thin air..?
( href=”” title=”Feature-length 97% Owned” target=”_blank”>a full feature-length version of 97% Owned is also available)