Straight Talk About Your Future

August 18, 2011

This is a first for us at Post Carbon Institute/Energy Bulletin: an online ‘creative’ fundraising campaign. We want to create a presentation deck for all the HUNDREDS of people who have asked us over the years for our slides. But rather than just dump our slides on people, we want to develop a presentation deck and story that is easy to present and personally resonant. Richard has written a fantastic script that presents our oil journey in a truly accessible way, we are now looking to turn this into something really user friendly and inspiring to present. If we’re able to raise the funds, not only will we create the slideshow but will train volunteers so that they can deliver it in their own communities.

While we’re not seeking much (we’re very adept at getting a lot of bang for our buck), the end product will be a powerful educational tool that all of us can use to raise awareness and ‘basic literacy’ within our homes and communities.

We hope you can support this project in one way or another and thank you, once again, for all your support in the past. We’ve a whole lot of work to do. If you have friends who might be interested please check out our campaign page and share the link.

This is What We Want To Do.
In the last year, a lot of our supporters have asked us to create a presentation for friends, neighbors and local groups that shows how we can move through and beyond the interrelated economic, energy, environmental, and equity crises we face. Show us the problems. Show us what to do. Show us how to prosper. Check, check and check.
But just any presentation won’t do.
We will craft an immersive, customizable experience that has the power to convince, not alienate; to propel toward immediate action, not just foster endless discussion.
As you know, great ideas cost, you know, money.
We’re rich in the former, not so much in the latter.
And so, this effort to raise funds and find people who will help us deliver the presentation around the world.

The Impact of Your Support.

We’re out to save the world.

This is straight talk, no hyperbole. We don’t have much time and it is critical that all of us truly understand the real cost of energy production in an industrial age and how this impacts the environment, the economy and the very fabric of society. 

Fact is,while we’re all chafing at the bit to act (do something, anything!), even many hardcore environmentalists still don’t really get it. Beyond the environment, there are numerous interwoven issues that we have to deal with… and there is no magic bullet that will save us. We have hard work to do. And a hell of a lot of it.

What We Really Need.
We’re looking for $6750 to help us pay the amazing design team at Ranch 7 Creative to create a personalized presentation . By “personalized” we mean a new kind of presentation, one that allows you to insert your own images and family/community history so that your presentation resonates on a personal, local level. 
We Support Creatives.
Post Carbon Institute isn’t your ordinary wonky think tank. While we excel at producing highly informative, academic reports and books, it is very important to us that we always support the creative community in the process. 100% of your donation to this campaign will go to creatives. Some recent examples:
+ Who Killed Economic Growth? <– worked with our animator friends at Monstro Design
+ Post Carbon Reader <– cover by indie-rock poster maestro Mike King/Crash America
+ Natural Gas Report <– have you seen a better looking report? By multimedia artist Jacob Arden McClure
+ 300 Years of Fossil Fuels in 300 Seconds <– winner of YouTube’s 2010 Best Nonprofit Video Award (also by Dalton and Monstro)
Again, every penny of your support will go directly to the team at Ranch 7 Creative. They’re not only talented artists, but they get the message, walk the walk and talk the talk.

Other Ways You Can Help.
Of course, not everyone has extra cash (we do accept precious metals). But that doesn’t mean you can’t play with us! Some ideas:
+ SPREAD THE WORD ABOUT THIS CAMPAIGN: Post a link on Faceboo, on Twitter, on Google+, on your blog. Hack someone else’s blog and post it there, too. Don’t forget to talk to people in the real world, too.
+ DELIVER THE PRESENTATION: We’re looking for a few good presenters. If you have the passion and can reach an audience, let us know.
+ LEARN MORE ABOUT EVERYTHING: Most of all, you can help by getting educated. By knowing the intricacies of the challenges ahead. Visit us at and and dive right in!

Tags: Fossil Fuels, Media & Communications, Oil, Resource Depletion