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Former CIA director Woolsey makes the case for a feed-in tariff (video)
Marc Strassman, Etopia News
Jim Woolsey, former Director of the CIA and now a Venture Partner with VantagePoint Venture Partners in Silicon Valley, explains the advantages of adopting a feed-in tariff for the State of Florida and elsewhere, recorded from Washington, D.C.,
(6 March 2009)
Solar power from deserts
Marc Strassman, Etopia News (video)
Gerry Wolff, co-ordinator of DESERTEC-UK, discusses the newly-created DESERTEC Foundation and its plans to power Europe with concentrating solar power from North Africa and the Middle East, recorded from the UK
(6 March 2009)
Charmaine Watts at REFIT-NZ talks about the New Zealand FIT campaign
Mark Strassman, Etopia News (video)
Mark Strassman of Etopia News Now talks with Charmaine Watts, founder of Renewable Energy Feed-in Tariff New Zealand (REFIT-NZ) talks about the emerging campaign to implement a national feed-in tariff policy in that dual-island nation down under, recorded from Puke Kohe, NZ, on March 3-4, 2009
(4 March 2009)