Resilient Cities for Transition Times #1

January 19, 2010

NOTE: Images in this archived article have been removed.

Image RemovedHot from combined gatherings of Peak Oil, Climate, and new planning experts in Vancouver, October, this episode of Radio Eco-shock features California green guru Warren Karlenzig on post carbon cities and former Shell Exec now anti-corporate activist Anita Burke. This is the first of a series of speakers from “Gaining Ground/Resilient Cities, Urban Strategies for Transition Times” conference in Vancouver October 20-22nd. Warren Karlenzig speaks from a “shoulder” event organized by Post Carbon Institute (with more to come from that as well) on Oct 20th alongside the conference. He is the author of “How Green is Your City? The SustainLane US City Rankings”, adviser to big cities and nations, and the Post Carbon Institute Fellow for Communities. Anita Burke gives one of the most passionate speeches, including a woman’s perspective on corporate damage to Earth. An activist’s delight.

Alex Smith

Host of syndicated weekly Radio Ecoshock Show – the cutting edge with top scientists, authors and activists. Eighth year on the air as of 2014. Previously a researcher for global environment group, print journalist, homesteader, world-traveler, and private investigator.

Tags: Building Community, Buildings, Consumption & Demand, Culture & Behavior, Energy Policy, Fossil Fuels, Media & Communications, Oil, Transportation, Urban Design