Oil and NZ’s Department of Economic Mythology
A key assumption held by New Zealand’s Ministry of Economic Development (MED) covering the period between 2000 to 2025 is that oil prices will rise from US$20/bbl in 2000 to US$25 a barrel by 2020 and remain constant thereafter.
November 2, 2004
The 2007 Peak Oil date explained
‘The real point is not so much the exact date of peak but the statement that the First Half of the Oil Age, which was characterised by growing production, is about to be followed by the Second Half when oil production is set to decline along with all that depends upon it.’
October 4, 2004
The Price of Oil and Economic Growth
It may have come as a surprise to many (particularly market analysts) that the price of oil didn’t just magically stop at US$40 a barrel. As we push beyond the $50 per barrel barrier the G-7 finance leaders seem to have given up demanding the impossible – that OPEC deliver oil at $30 a barrel or less.
September 28, 2004
Sustainable Growth = Protective Stupidity
To deceive ourselves into believing that growth is still possible by labelling it “sustainable” or “green” serves only to delay, and subsequently increase the severity of the consequences of peak oil.
September 15, 2004
Maui Gas: Experience the Depletion Cliff.
When the question of oil and gas depletion is raised the flat earth fraternity often can’t help themselves laughing whilst pointing out “but we’ve never produced more than we are today, the world is awash in oil and gas”. A sobering lesson is to be learnt by looking at the current depletion rates in New Zealand’s Maui natural gas field.
September 5, 2004
NZ: Peak Oil 101. For the benefit of Dr Cullen.
Hon Dr MICHAEL CULLEN of the New Zealand parlaiment: I have to confess that, for once, the member has floored me; I do not understand what is meant by the term “peak oil”.
August 24, 2004