Oil innovations pump new life into old wells
The subbhead (“Reports of oil’s demise are greatly exaggerated,”) indicates the point of view of the reporter: anti-peak oil, echoing CERA.
March 5, 2007
OPEC Set to Open Oil Taps Full Blast
Kenneth Deffeyes, former colleague of M. king Hubbert, frequently tells the story of how he knew Hubbert was right about his US oil peak prediction when he read the headline “Texas Railroad Commission announces 100% allowable” in 1971. The American cartel was pumping full blast.
I wonder what he thought when he read this headline…
September 20, 2005
Iran tries to win friends using its fuel reserves
Iran’s ruling clerics are meticulously arranging energy sales and building partnerships with influential countries, including China and India, as a way to win stronger friendships around the world.
April 18, 2005
For OPEC, Iran talks are a first in 34 years
The gathering in Iran is a testimony to a consensus that has shaped a rare unity among the Gulf oil producers in the cartel over the past five years. This rapprochement helped set in motion the group’s most successful period since its creation in 1960.
March 15, 2005
Big Oil’s Burden of Too Much Cash
Even as fears of shortages grow throughout the world and prices remain high, the cash-rich oil companies are not pouring a large portion of their money into their basic business: drilling for oil. Indeed, oil executives, in their second straight year of rising profits, are finding that too much money is chasing too few oil fields.
February 11, 2005
Oil tanker shortages drive costs higher
With global oil demand surging and prices hitting record levels, the world’s 1,500 oil tankers are all booked up, and charter rates are soaring. The shortage of tankers is one sign of how strong demand and a lack of investment have left the oil industry’s infrastructure stretched thin.
October 19, 2004