Reflections from Colin Campbell on Peak Oil and ASPO
On September 23, Dave Bowden video-taped Colin Campbell at his home on the southwestern coast of Ireland. Excerpts of that interview are attached below…
October 19, 2009
Interview with Sadad al Husseini: Part 2—“A lot of Money = a Little Oil”
This interview with Dr. Sadad al Husseini was filmed and produced in London on September 21 by ASPO-USA’s Dave Bowden, with Steve Andrews along on his own time and dime to ask some questions. Sadad is a geologist by training and a reservoir engineer—production engineer—by actual work experience. He started with Saudi Aramco back in 1970 and retired in 2004. Most of his time was spent with exploration and production activities but also in project management. Since he left, Sadad has worked as a consultant.
October 12, 2009
Jeremy Leggett Interview—Culture Problem in the Oil Industry?
What follows is four questions from an interview recently filmed in London by ASPO-USA’s Dave Bowden and Steve Andrews…“So I worry about peak oil. I worry about climate change. And I need no persuasion of the power of the alternatives to do something about both problems.”
October 5, 2009
Interview with Sadad al Husseini—“The Facts Are There”
Question: Assume for the moment that declines in demand have flattened and that we resume modest growth in demand in a year or so. Are there adequate new oil projects in the pipeline to meet rising demand for a few more years?
Sadad: I’ve been tracking the number of projects, globally, for a long time both in the Middle East and elsewhere—Russia, Brazil, west coast of Africa, and others. A lot of this information is in the public domain, so there is no mystery there. The International Energy Agency recently reported on the same numbers. The bottom line is that there are not enough projects…
September 28, 2009