The peak oil economic depression has arrived
Both increasing unemployment and declining stock values indicate that we are entering an economic depression similar to the Great Depression. Although it is difficult to determine how much of this economic depression is caused by Peak Oil impacts and how much stems from mismanagement of the economy as well as from business and government corruption, Peak Oil plays a major role.
March 7, 2009
Peak oil and the global economy
An analysis of Peak Oil impacts indicates that there will be no economic recovery following the economic collapse of 2009 and that the recession will deteriorate into a permanent economic depression that will worsen over time.
February 2, 2009
Towns and cities should prepare for the peak oil energy crisis
Local governments face: (1) declining revenues due to declining property values and declining family incomes; (2) increasing costs for gasoline, diesel, and heating oil; (3) inflation in the costs of equipment, materials, products, services, and electric power …
December 15, 2008
Peak oil survival; choosing reality or illusion
Shall we plan and prepare for the real future: a world without oil and without electric power. Or, shall we continue to avoid reality, dream about what will never happen, and waste time, effort, and capital on illusions?
November 2, 2008
Peak oil preparation: educating family, loved ones, and friends
Educating family, loved ones, and friends about Peak Oil and its impacts is a formidable challenge. Families that have a common understanding of Peak Oil problems can provide mutual support and group problem-solving, and they are more likely enjoy life and survive the Peak Oil catastrophe.
September 27, 2008