Crazy Town

With equal parts humor and in-depth analysis, Asher, Rob, and Jason safeguard their sanity while probing crazy-making topics like climate change, overshoot, runaway capitalism, and why we’re all deluding ourselves.

Crazy Town is produced by Post Carbon Institute and hosted by Resilience.

Latest Episode

Episode 86

Crazy Town 86. Escaping Growthism: Wendigo Economics, Mystery Houses, and Becoming the Bear

Asher, Jason, and Rob lay bare the stats on everything from human population, energy consumption, global GDP, greenhouse gas emissions, and the size of cars and cruise ships, before concluding that the global economy should be named after the Wendigo from Algonquian folklore.

May 1, 2024


A Species-level Taxonomic Treatment of the Phalse Prophets with Hypotheses on their Origin and Evolution

During periods of crisis people often cling to stories as a way to alleviate their anxieties. This taxonomic treatment of twelve species of Phalse Prophets describes the ideologies of faux saviors, so those wanting to face reality have the tools to detect when high IQ excrement is being flung in their direction.

Phalse Prophets paper


Crazy Town podcast hosts

Crazy Town is hosted by Asher Miller (left), Jason Bradford (center), and Rob Dietz (right). Willow (cow) and Toro (calf) are too smart to participate.


Production and editing by Melody Travers. Communications and outreach by Clara Winter and Amy Buringrud.

Music: Way Huge” and “Don’t Give Up” by Midnight Shipwrecks (Copyright 2017).

Thanks to all the people who financially support Crazy Town, and special thanks to our incredible volunteers: Elana Zuber for conducting countless hours of research, Anya Steuer for creating original artwork, and Taylor Antal for providing transcripts.