Nate Hagens spoke on "The Converging Economic and Environmental Crisis"; Minneapolis College of Art and Design, July 10, 2014.
Nate Hagens is a well-known speaker on the big picture issues facing human society. Nate’s presentations address the opportunities and constraints we face after the coming end of economic growth. On the supply side, Nate focuses on the interrelationship between debt-based financial markets and natural resources, particularly energy. On the demand side, Nate addresses the evolutionarily-derived underpinnings to status, addiction, and our aversion to acting about the future and offers suggestions on how individuals and society might better adapt to what’s ahead. Ultimately, Nate’s talks cover the issues propelling our species (and others) into the long emergency.
His well–attended talk, The Converging Environmental and Economic Crises: A Pep Talk For Those Paying Attention offered suggestions on how society might better adapt, physically and psychologically, to what’s ahead.