
Cows with ear tags

The ear tags of our cows spell the end of growth

The combination of the changed societal metabolism and the demographic drag will most likely mean the end of growth, even without the prevailing resource constraints.

February 12, 2025

Jinwar, Rojava

Rojava revolution: a degrowth perspective on the current situation in Syria

The Rojava Revolution has inspired people everywhere and is one living reminder that although breaking free from the patriarchal capitalist system is a tremendous task and will take some lifetimes, it is, nevertheless, possible. For the worldwide community of transformation seekers, there’s a lot at stake when it comes to materialize a bright future for all – and for real.

February 11, 2025

Root cellar in Newfoundland

Root cellars vs. money

We are able to see why a root cellar is necessary. We are able to reimagine our path through life so that we are on the sustainable root cellar way, not the way of void following implosion.

February 10, 2025

Nuit Debout direct democratic voting

Escaping the Trap of ‘Realism’ and ‘Utopianism’: Towards Programmatic Synthesis

Organizing our communities horizontally and managing to draft collectively our own programmatic agendas helps us break the supposed juxtaposition between political visions of a better society and what is politically feasible in the meantime.

February 10, 2025

United States Treasury Department in the 19th century.

Why Musk’s access to U. S. Treasury payment systems risks a global financial meltdown

Giving Elon Musk and his callow team of computer coders access to the U.S. Treasury payments system is very, very dangerous.

February 9, 2025

Flag of the President of the United States

Climate Politics: What Would Donald Trump Do?

So, what would Donald Trump do to convince his voters of the need for a low-carbon economy? He would keep it simple and all about the economy. Those are words to advocate by.

February 7, 2025


How Inclusive Utility Investments bring the energy transition to rural residents

By expanding the prevalence of IUI programs, and making sure the specifics of these programs are tailored to the benefit of working people, it is possible to effectively tackle both the climate crisis and affordability crisis at once.

February 5, 2025

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